Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Welcome Spring! 2010 The Year My Life Changed Forever!

Internet Marketing Profitability. That is what I will focus on this year in my new consultancy business. So many local retail and service businesses can use the power of internet marketing to increase their sales and their business profile! I aim to help businesses in my locality to gain online presence and credibility and to use the awesome power of online marketing to promote their business to exponentially explode their sales profits!

The true secret to growth and lasting profitability lies within developing a client mailing list. Thus a business of any size can keep track of trends in their customers' expectations and wants. Customers regularly contacted can be gently influenced to perceive the business as a key part of their local retail experience. Keep pace of change by setting trends other local businesses will be keen and quick to follow by understanding your customers' changing interests.

A business must create both mid and long term mission statements. Any business not in a growth state will wither and decay: every business has opportunity to grow sales and increase the number of reliable customers. How is customer service? What are the business mid term growth expectations and goals? A local takeaway could have a mission statement to start home deliveries within three months. Most small businesses have terrific growth potential in deliveries whether free or paid.

A well designed catalogue or menu will increase awareness. Use press releases to enhance the business profile. Consider a joint venture each month with another local supplier: a restaurant could joint venture with a butcher: "All our meat this month from Baxters in the High Street" and "Taste our joints at Palmersons Restaurant, Watch Street."

Increasing profitability for local businesses through promotion awareness and online marketing are key interests for me and I intend to build an exciting consultancy business around this Autumn 2010.

Meanwhile it is early Spring and the trees are putting forth their tentative sprouting! I enjoy walking through my local woods and parks feeling the thrill of business within Nature as the winter folds away and the long hazy days of summer show on horizon! So what are my plans this Spring?

I am starting an online endeavour reviewing quality information products, testing and commenting on their use. I expect this to swiftly develop into creating and marketing my own useful internet products such as software, audio coaching programs and ebooks. The world at your fingertips! Type, click. Explore, discover. Never before in history has the world's information been so readily available within your own home and office! What will you do? How will this great human resource affect YOUR life in 2010 and beyond?
