Whose Purpose? Your own Purpose! The Purpose you design for yourself.
Without Purpose you are but an empty glass. Let your glass run over with the water which is your own design for your Life: your chosen Purpose by which and for which you choose to live! My glass runneth over.
Purpose is ENERGY! Energy heals. Energy shall be channelled to Success: your success! The success you want to choose for yourself as your major Purpose in Life. So today, decide what you want, let nothing and no one stand between you and your intention, and enjoy living Life on Purpose from this day on! You owe to yourself and you owe this to your friends and family.
Decide whom you wish to become. Make a start. Discard the junk in your Life. Quit narcotics. Junk wasteful unproductive friendships. Breathe new vitality into the relationships you value. Communicate with the persons you adore. Say to yourself daily: "I am on Purpose!"
Daily routine: junk all that stands between you and what you desire. Live Life on Purpose.
Junk the old "I didn't think, I didn't know, I'm sorry!" Break free and introduce yourself to "I think, I know, I am!"
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! You have all power. Wield your power to yield your desired effects! Trust yourself to make powerful decisions.
Begin to enjoy the benefits of having Positive Mental Attitude. Let your power of self belief flow through every cell of your body daily! Junk all negatives. PMA begins thus: you learn to give thanks! Yes, thanks! Develop a grateful heart. Thank people. Thank yourself. Thank God. Thankfulness brings humility and enables you to see positive efects in Life. Be thankful from your heart. Enjoy the things you are thankful for and junk anything that causes you pain. Live your new Life of Gratitude.
Gratitude develops powerful positive attitude.
You aren't going anywhere soon without a strong sense of Purpose.
Purpose springs from gratitude for the good things and strong persons around you and develops positivity which brings to you good things for which you can be grateful: it is the never-ending circle of Life!
Yes! You can and will make a difference!
Your challenge for today is to inspire a young person to have Purpose. How are you going to achieve this? Dwell upon your solution and act to bring this good reult into play!
Today's Top Tip for Sales: Listen to your customer - what are they saying and what are they telling you by what they omit? Identify their primary want and close on this. Junk patter! What you are shouts so loud I cannot hear what you say!
Develop empathy. Be aware and open to the desires and needs of others around you. Focus on all that concerns but none of what does not.
Thanks for reading and may you enjoy strength today!
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