Here is Mary Townsend with her article "CREATING WEALTH -ANCIENT WISDOM FOR A MODERN WORLD!" I hope you enjoy it and that it proves useful to you.
Creating wealth and being truly successful in business and life doesn't happen by chance or wishful thinking. Nor is it necessary to 'speak into the universe' or perform any other strange rituals, though doing so won't prevent it from happening either.
Yes, there are laws that govern the creation of wealth, just like there are laws that dictate that when you put the right seed into the right soil, in the right conditions, you get a great harvest.
It's not spooky or strange in any way. Ask any farmer. It's a simple, ancient wisdom that continues to work today, as it has for thousands of years and will continue to do so for as long as the earth remains.
When a farmer wants to plough a new field, a bit of work has to be done first. All major obstacles have to be removed or, with all the best intentions in the world, his hard work will be in vain. There may be a few obstacles keeping you from your success, but the main one is fear.
You cannot hide from the current economic problems. It's only right that you should be aware of what's going on in the world. But being informed is one thing - being in fear is quite another! Never be motivated by fear in anything you undertake or it will fail.
There have been recessions and financial catastrophes before and there will be again. During those uncertain times, one thing is for sure, there will be many that will start or continue to create great wealth that will last them a lifetime. There's no reason why one of them shouldn't be you?
Here are five things that have been known since ancient times to lead to prosperity for all who dare to try them.
1. Meet more people. We are living increasingly isolated lives, as families split up and move away. The pursuit of work, pressures of travelling and finding suitable living accommodation, just make matters worse.
Ancient wisdom shows that strong family ties and good connections generate opportunity and wealth. Re-build or strengthen family ties, if you can. Think of ways to meet like-minded people. Perhaps get involved with social or business activities, your local church, voluntary or charitable work...
2. Develop a great attitude. It's not fashionable or cool to care about anyone but yourself, I know, but ancient wisdom says that treating yourself and others with respect will bring increase and favour into your life. Don't just think it; be active in your improved attitude. Smile, give a compliment, do your best, don't cut corners and do try to be patient.
Did you know that, no matter how you feel, a simple smile automatically activates a part of your brain that releases a chemical into your system making you feel instantly better? Try it and see.
3. Be passionate. Most people's ideal form of employment would be to spend the day doing something they really love and getting paid for it. It's a great idea but there are a couple of problems with it. 1) You may not be good enough at it to generate an income. 2) There may not be enough of a demand for what you love to do.
Ancient wisdom agrees that you should be passionate about your life's work, but puts it this way round. First, find out what people actually need, decide what need you can meet then learn to be passionate about it!
This way you don't have to wait until you get good enough at what you love to do, or hope you may live long enough for the demand to rise, you can start today. What do people want that you're already able to provide? This is also the best marketing tip anyone will ever give you!
4. Give something back. This is the stumbling block that prevents most of us realising our dreams. If you intend to wait to give until you're wealthy, you will be going against the fundamental principle of creating wealth in the first place. Ancient wisdom says you reap what you sow. Sow nothing, reap nothing. Give out of whatever you have right now and continue to do so as you increase.
Look at what you have in your hands right now. If it doesn't look big enough to be your harvest, it may be your seed. Sow it wisely!
5. Never retire. Life's too good to opt out.
I challenge you to apply the above principles for the next 60 days, at least. If they don't look much like a plan for wealth and success think of it this way, does a bag of seed look anything like a harvest? You do your part and it will happen!
If the above article has put you in a better frame of mind and thinking more positively about the future of your business, why not visit me at: for some practical ideas to grow your business and increase your profits?
You can also pick up a FREE copy of Marketing Matters: 26 Bright Ideas to Boost Your Business at:
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Well, I find this inspiring and I hope it also stirs you to action! How easy it is to slip in patterns of behaviour that produce the same old results year after year when just around the corner, all for the want of a simple smile, is an exciting new result for you!
All the best for 60 days! Please leave a comment to tell me how you succeed!
Adwello :)
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