And if you use FREE blog at like I do it is FREE! So go to blogger and build yourself a quick website today.
What can you do with a blog? Well you can write a post every day or two-three times a week about what you have been doing, like a public diary: upload new photos and it becomes a useful resource for a far flung family to keep up to date. You can chat through posting comments after the blog post.
Or perhaps you write poetry or want to show your artwork to the world? Or just add funny stories now and then. It can be as "you" or as impersonal as you want it: if you have a hatred for a political party and you want to rant then set up an anonymous blog with a pen-name and rant to your heart's content!
You may want to share your grandfather's gardening tips, or your own cake recipes. Or just record ideas as they come to you. You may want to build a social following and encourage your readers to share their own opinions through the comments box.
Perhaps you have a small business you run from home? What a great way to freely advertise! Add your news and views, updates, photos, latest success stories, testimonials from happy customers: if nothing else you can point potential customers to your blog to see what others say about your business. Make sure you put your contact information clearly at the top of your blog. Add your blog address URL to your business cards and newspaper and directory adverts. Tell people about it in Facebook and your other social media sites. You can even get your blog listed on Google search engine by submitting your blog to Google manually. See
A blog can definitely raise your professional profile: write articles on your profession, post articles by other experts, raise issues - if you want to change companies give the new company your blog address URL - they will be impressed if your posts are up-to-date, relevant and pose interesting questions.
You can go to You Tube video site
and copy the embed link and post video onto your blog! A video you have created about you or your business which you uploaded to You Tube, or a relevant subject by someone else. Keep the content completely relevant to your blog post material to retain credibility. A bad choice would be to embed a funny video to make your readers laugh but which has no correlation to your blog content in general. Each post needs to follow your theme and progress your subject for your readers.
For everything you do in life you can, if you wish, create a corresponding blog!
The simplest blog could be a one page rant about something you bought and didn't like! Or, conversely, a favourable review about a product you do like! State how it has helped you and what you think of the various features.
Creating a blog takes minutes. But it will help you become web-wise. Later you may want to get your own hosting and create a word press blog. Try:
All kinds of useful web page templates FREE at wordpress
Those two links will take you the best online web hosting company and to wordpress where you can discover much more about setting up an individual blog for yourself which you host (Google actually hosts this blog - for FREE). You will then want to progress on to create your own website, possibly with a wordpress blog attached - you can do all this from your web host and you may require a frontpage program - try for FREE:
Core FTP here
and then also you may not know HTML for designing your web pages, but that is no problem at all because you can download for FREE a design editor where you just compose what you want to see like you would in wordpad and voila! The editor copes with the HTML for you! Easy! Here is the brilliant FREE nvu program:
Click Here and enter NVU in the search box and download NVU1 for FREE
I hope you will find these links useful. Each day as you browse the internet take a look at different websites, think what you like and dislike about each page and incorporate the features you like into your own pages. Does this grab you? What made you want to click away? Is this too distracting? What background colour works best (hint - white or pale backgrounds with dark lettering are easiest to read)? Where do you want to place graphics? Will these hyper-link (send you to another page or website when you click on the picture)? Copy what you think works best.
So what will your first blog be? A diary? Photo gallery? News and views? Promoting your business? Raising your professional profile? Places you would like to travel? You decide and start today with blogger. Post once or twice a week and give yourself a few weeks then analyse how it is looking: has anyone posted comments? Is the theme coherent or do you ramble on about everything? Will it appeal to your family, friends, customers, colleagues, prospective employers - to whom? And do not worry if you feel it is a complete mess! Start again with a new blog!
Every blog you try will gain you experience for future reference. You will become an expert in what you don't like if nothing else! Visit other people's blogs - what do you like about theirs? Search google for "(any subject) + blog" and visit a number of blogs. Leave a comment! Surf and learn, that's my motto.
Did you find this post helpful? What would you like my next post to be about? Take a moment and post a comment here - your input is much appreciated - after all I want to write about what YOU want to read about! Adios Amigo x
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